Prioritizing Customer Needs Over Your Brand Partner in Publishing
Conor Furlong • August 16, 2022 • 0 comments

Prioritizing Customer Needs Over Your Brand

By Conor Furlong, Copywriter and Content Marketer

The content marketing team represents the individuals who first reach a demographic of potential customers, consequently creating the first impression of your brand. Whether in the form of blogs, social media posts, email outreach, or white papers, your content team is constantly searching for methods to grab the attention of their audience, capitalizing on any relevant information to position your business as the best option. The need to establish your brand, however, should not always be at the top of your list of priorities, especially when the audience perspective plays such a big role in the content you produce.

1. Understand Pain Points

Your products and services are top of the line solutions to the complications faced by countless prospective customers. It only makes sense to promote these solutions in the most comprehensive and effective way possible. Although what you offer has the potential to drive success and generate brand loyalty, your audience understands their current situations and particular needs above all else; understanding those needs and prioritizing them is a critical aspect of your overall messaging.

2. Create a Framework for Relevant Messaging

While it is easy to come out of the gate with a solution-heavy message that reflects the best functions of your business, your audience wants to know that you understand and appreciate their pain points first and foremost.

It is likely that the first step of your content strategy involves highlighting which products or services you are seeking to promote. However, when it comes to putting that message together, leading with your audience’s perspectives can make a big difference. A learning platform, for example, that is designed to reduce the workload of educators, may be the selling point of a particular email campaign or promotional video. Opening that piece of content with the reason that platform was designed, the problem that needs a solution, provides the connection that educators and administrators are searching for.

3. Present Your Solution

Your customers deserve to know that the complications they experience come first in all interactions. If K-12 teachers are experiencing burnout and a lack of support, for example, allow your content to demonstrate the empathy they deserve. After that understanding is established, your products and solutions can more effectively be integrated into your marketing content. This is how a content team can begin establishing a relationship with existing or potential customers, the same way a sales representative would on an initial call.

This approach to marketing, as stated, establishes a respectful image of your brand, without sacrificing the quality of your products and services. The content marketing team at Partner in Publishing (PIP) has extensive experience in building effective marketing campaigns and collateral that puts customers first. Through market research and detailed planning with our partners, we aim to help companies succeed by connecting with potential customers, solidifying their brand with insightful, empathetic, and industry-relevant content.

To learn more about our content marketing efforts contact us.

Connor Furlong

About the Author

Conor Furlong is a Copywriter and Content Marketer at Partner in Publishing (PIP), where he serves as a member of the Content Team. In his role, Conor collaborates with our partners to strategize, develop, and implement marketing campaigns across a wide range of mediums.

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