Jonathan Abrams • January 25, 2023 • 0 comments

How Micro-Credentials Improve Your Company’s Existing Talent

By Jonathan Abrams, Vice President, Senior Search Partner

Recruiting in EdTech requires ongoing awareness of the best candidates for available positions. At Partner in Publishing (PIP), our team is dedicated to understanding and identifying the qualifications in candidates that will help our clients excel. Naturally, we apply the same level of attention and care to the roles we need to fill internally, from entry level positions to leaders and decision-makers.

While monitoring for outside candidates to fill open roles, it’s important not to overlook internal talent. The best candidates are the ones that are not only qualified for the position, but also those who seek to continue their professional growth after they are hired. With the rise of digital badging and online credentialing, many employees can now increase their knowledge and improve their skill sets. Specifically, as micro-credentialing programs have gained traction across the workforce, many EdTech companies can capitalize on the talent they already have.

How can micro-credentials improve your company?

Every employee in your organization represents a new investment. Not only are they expected to help your company thrive, but each individual also holds the potential to grow alongside your business. Employers are already gaining a more focused interest in professional certificates and certifications that help prospects stand out and secure positions. A global survey has even indicated that 92% of employers agreed or strongly agreed that a professional certificate strengthens a candidate’s job application, and on average, employers were 76% more likely to hire a candidate who has earned an industry micro-credential.

Why should you invest in your employees now?

In the past 3 years, micro-credentialing has gained significant momentum as EdTech startups, companies, and colleges and universities have mobilized to offer professional development opportunities that are responsive to the needs of the economy and workforce demands. While many ask if micro-credentialing is the future of higher ed, it could also be the future of workforce development. When hiring, pay close attention to these qualifications to secure the best candidates possible. However, providing opportunities to current employees can help in a number of ways as well.

Your employees want to feel valued and know that their individual careers are of interest to you; it is one of the reasons they applied in the first place. Providing them with professional development opportunities and giving them the space to continuously learn boosts morale and allows your company to grow from its own internal workforce. From HubSpot training, to leadership seminars and data analytics courses, your employees stand to gain new knowledge and capabilities that can help them improve and help you capitalize on your existing talent.

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